Why Do We Live In France

This Christmas will be the twentieth that Carole and I have spent in France and we have decided to make it our official anniversary of moving to France. Just over 20 years ago we left the UK to make fresh start in a warmer climate, I came a few weeks earlier to find a place to live and we shipped our few possessions and our two little girls across in an ancient (1969 VW) camper-van. So this Christmas holiday seems a good date to celebrate our move with our family, grown bigger as our son Jack was born here 17 years ago and both our Mothers have joined us to live in the South of France.

Carole and Tony (where did those dogs come from)

Carole and Tony (where did those dogs come from)

I also have two other wonderful children (plus two very special Grand-Daughters and a Great-Grandson) still living in the UK who I miss very much, but, as we live in a sunny village near the Mediterranean they do come to see us.

For us it was not so much a decision to live in France, but to get away from the life we had in England, the climate, the politics and the evident declining standards of services (especially health and education) in the UK. At the time, (1990) with two very young children, education for their future was our main concern.

France seemed the obvious first choice, so I got a rail pass (it cost then under 100 pounds for unlimited travel, a fantastic deal) and spent a month exploring many corners of the hexagon (does a hexagon have corners?) – we had very little money and no work, we lived for the first year like a crazy “Bargain Hunt” television series, buying junk in France and driving it to car boot sales in England in the old camper-van, sometimes doing one a week. At the time I could buy a classic wood burning stove in France for five pounds and sell it in Ascot for 300 pounds.

Twenty years on and we are still here, we do not regret our decision for one second, for us it was the right decision.

Thinking of Spending Winter in France

Coming to visit and to stay in France awhile is always a good idea, but first do your homework on climate and weather. France has several totally different climates, from the warm and mild Mediterranean in the South, to the “temperate” North and continental climates in the center and East.

Pictures of bikini (or much less) clad nymphs frolicking on the beaches, sun soaked lavender fields in the Luberon and serried rows of vines magicing sunshine into wine are typical of the South in summer, but in winter (from mid November ’till March), you will always need a home with good heating everywhere in France.

Villa Roquette Fireplace

Log Fire in Villa Roquette

Here in the South of France we do not expect snow and ice in winter months, we do occasionally see an early morning frost and even more rarely a sprinkling of snow (the last was in March 2010 and it lasted until 9:30 in the morning when it vanished in the sunshine), but not enough to damage the lemon and banana trees or the mimosa in our garden, however, the log fire and our super central heating is something we would miss and not to have these would make life very unpleasant.

It is hard to realise this in summer when the massive stone walls of our home keep out the heat, ceiling fans are soothing and the air conditioning in our guest rooms is gratefully received. But winter definitely needs heating, even in the south of France.

Holiday home, perfect for summer breaks, is usually uninhabitable in winter. Most are village houses which were only ever used in summer months as accommodation for the temporary workers on the land.

When we bought our first home in France in the village of Nizas sixteen years ago, the previous owner took us out into the countryside and showed us where we could cut wood and which trees we were allowed for to take for firewood from his land. He assumed that we would need a lot of wood to keep the numerous fireplaces going for the winter and was sorry for us that we had not bought about ten acres of woodland to keep us warm. We thought this was quaint at first, but soon found the truth.

By the end of our first winter I had acquired an ancient truck and was adept at driving through muddy fields in my search for wood for the fires. I also became expert at renovating old stoves and fitting steel chimneys into our home. Even now, with full central heating, back-up radiators and reversible heat pumps, Carole and I fill our car with old vines every time we walk our dogs, but this is for the joy of a living open fire in the evenings and it is not essential to heat our home.

We always have winter guests staying with us in Villa Roquette and we know that good heating is vitally important. But many visitors do not realise this and will rent, unseen, a summer holiday home get away from colder climes in Winter and to enjoy our Mediterranean sunshine.

We do get a lot of sun in the South of France, over three hundred days a year on average are sunny in our region of Languedoc, but that still leaves over sixty days with grey skies, mostly from October to April and chilly nights and mornings when a blazing fire and a warm radiator is very welcome.

The South of france is a wonderful place to migrate to in winter, but make sure you have a warm and comfortable nest to stay in.

Villa Roquette Snow on our cedar tree

Cedar Tree in Front Garden of Villa Roquette with SNOW on - Winter 2010

Christmas Wine Tastings Fairs and Events in Languedoc

From November 25 to December 25, in our part of Languedoc (the golden heart of the real South of France) I have a list of 35 great events all a short distance Villa Roquette?

Cracker fairs, local produce chocolate cooking, cheese fairs, talks about wine, walks in the vineyards, singing dancing and much merriment.

Most activities will have something to do with wine and food, but there are hundreds of crafts people, artisans and artists living around us and this is their chance to show their skills to the local people and for others to meet in a warm and friendly (even warmer after a few glasses of punch or mulled wine.

Take advantage of the great airline deals to Beziers airport – even better with our free flight special offer and discover a local tradition of storytelling and celebrating the winter in France.

Here are brief descriptions of just threee of these “happenings” right on our doorstep at the Domiane de Bellevue

4 December – “Le Marché de Noel” – local artisans and producers of our region, foi gras – chocolate, olive oils, honey – pony rides for the children

11 December “Le legende de la Cave de Noel” – A walk and story telling throug hthe vineyards with wine tastings and a buffet of local foods (reservation needed)

15 December – “Asiette de Desserts Variatioh sue le Chocolat” – An interactive cooking course os chocolate and confectionary (wine will be involved)

This is just a snapshot of only one local winery in one small area. Around us there are hundreds of other happenings throughout November and December.

And then there are the new Year celebrations, but more on this later……

Come and stay with us over Christmas and the New Year and help us celebrate.