Making our home Welcoming

I finished, almost, working on the Chambre d’hôtes and rental apartments in our house during September, this was four months later than planned after a years hard work and all our savings.

I had hoped to start marketing our home in Villa Roquette last March, but only really started last month – so we are just beginning to get bookings and iti going to be a very quiet Christmas.

It does mean I can make sure all the details are finished and make the home a really good quality, charming and comfortable place for you next year.

Bread and dripping for Christmas though 🙁

French Letters

Alexandra, my daughter, helps me a lot with translations. I am impressed with the letters she has composed for me. However she has a secret weapon there is a website which gives help and one of their services is a set of standard letter templates for all manner of things.

Interestingly I also picked up a reference to this site on my Facebook pages today and found links to this site posted on other blogs and websites.


I went to Bristol in the UK for a few hours last week to meet a publisher who is developing a network of websites.

Beziers airport is only twenty minutes from our home at VillaRoquetteand with Ryanair, if you select tour dates, you can fly to the UK and back for less than the price of two cups of coffee, including all charges and stuff.

I have been interested in Internet publishing since I started making websites twelve years ago – I tried to build my own services with names like Goto-France, Wotspot, a publishing idea called Chez Frog, the French Property Digest and a raft of others – it is a huge amount of work and with the techical problems of secure hosting, keeping the hackers out etc all these have slipped quietly away.

I have also met and talked to other publishers looking at a local operation, the best for information is an excellent group of sites based around AngloInfo – their local site is operated by Caroline and from one operation in place when I first met them, they now have many franchisees around the world. Their style is to give local information and keep a discussion forums which attract advertising. Anglo Info has a good directory about local laws, services and regulations and is a big help to ex-pats where English is their first language.

Perhaps I should have considered their Languedoc franchise, but their style is not mine, and I do not like the word ‘Anglo’.

Other information sites in France include French Entree and locally there are several good information sites for Languedoc including Creme de Languedoc , The Languedoc Page , Languedoc France , Herault Whats On , BlaBlaBlah and Languedoc Sun – so is there a market for a new site called Guide2Languedoc?

All these sites survive on advertising and, although Languedoc has the biggest concentration of English speaking ex-pats in France and is now the most visited region in France, is it a good time to bring another online service focused on this region to scratch for the advertising euros?

Taking on this project is a huge amount of work – the rental accommodation in our home, Villa Roquette, is (nearly) finished so I will have time.

What attracts me about the Guide2 websites is the plans they have to make their service a community and to give good relevant news and information.

I would welcome any comment and ideas from readers, your opinion is valuable to me and I hope to hear from you.