Cassan Christmas Cracker Fair – Saturday 27 Nov and Sunday 28th November
Started as a way for Brits to get their Christmas Crackers 5 years ago, the event has grown each year.
The event has become so successful that this year it will be run over 2 days, which the organisers hope will cut down the crowds. “Last year we had just over 4,000 visitors – a 30% increase – and it was almost too many” said Robin Hicks, the organiser.
“We hope the 2 day event will spread the crowds, as the 11th century chapel isn’t really designed for such large numbers”
Last year 45% of the visitors were French, who seem to have taken to the Cracker Fair – described on local TV as “The Christmas event in L’Herault”
About a half of the 120 exhibitors are French – the rest being drawn from 11 countries.
Apart from the trade exhibitors there will be local organisations promoting their charities and a range of entertainers at the weekend event showcasing their work to a large audience.
“This year we expect to top 5,000 visitors which will generate funds to run and develop the local community based charity website WoW –