In the Herault department, the good news is that there is a network of bus routes. These are safe clean and inexpensive and a great way to see the local countryside as you pass through villages.
The bad news is that they are not all that frequent and seem to be driven by bus drivers with a different clock to the rest of the world, if they are early, then they seem to just keep going, so if you are on-time, the bus may have already left. Or if there do not seem to be many passengers, they may go a different way to alleviate their boredom and never go pass the stop you are waiting at.
Airport shuttle buses seem to be regular and reliable – unless there is a strike.
As schedules change the best I can do is to give these links to the main website and other pdf downloads.
Main page for Herault Transport which gives times and charges for all the bus routes
Downloadable timetable for the Bus from Beziers to Montblanc (our village) in pdf format
Downloadable timetable for shuttle buses from Beziers-Sud de France Airport to Beziers town in pdf format
Downloadable map for Buses in the Herault department in pd format”
If you have any problem with transport, do call us and we can usually collect you from local airports of rail stations phone and email are on our contact pages.