Getting to write this blog has been difficult after the fantastic wet-plate workshop we had in VillaRoquette last month. The reason is I cannot get out o the darkroom or away from the camera long enough to write anything.
Johns’ teaching was inspirational, to the point that I am totally trying to make a plate I like – the are so many variables and to get everything into an “automatic” mode so I can concentrate on the subject takes practice and time.
But I am getting there – working on new collodion plates every day, I am now getting consistent results and taking into account the shifts in humidity, temperature, the phase of the moon, what colour my socks are and jut about everything else which kicks my images into touch.
Now I hope from tomorrow to be showing some work I can begin to think is worth looking at. I would post some today, but the varnish is drying and I have to get the right black paint for the glass.
We have scheduled workshops for January24/25th and for 28Feb/March1st 2015 – the price, including tuition, accommodation, meals and materials is £475. This is for a double room, so your partner can come and stay too for the same price (not including tuition and meals though, but includes breakfasts for the second person). You can come erlier andstay as long as you like after the course, our normal VillaRoquette rates apply.
Barbara Heide made a short video of the workshop for us